Air emissions management
Download December 12, 2017

Inventory of Methane Sources at Upstream Oil & Gas Facilities

Who: Upstream Oil and Gas Producers

What: Inventory of methane emitting equipment

Where: Western Canada

When: NOW!

Why: Why does my company need an inventory of Methane emitting equipment?

Federal Government

Canadian Federal Regulations on Methane Reduction were issued under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act for comment in Gazette I in May of 2017. Public comment closed at the end of July. Implementation of the regulations could start as early as 2020.

A registration report for EACH FACILITY will be due to the Federal Government following the publication of the regulation in Gazette II (expected in Spring 2018)

Alberta Government

The Alberta government is predicting they will issue draft regulations on Methane in the first half of 2018, which will, of course, be followed by comment and revision periods. It is unknown at this point what exact registration or inventory reports will be required by the Alberta Government, but undoubtedly there will be some type of reporting required.

In regards to both Federal and Provincial regulations, facilities in Western Canada will, at some level, be required to know where they are emitting methane and have an estimate for how much , as well as a plan for reducing that emission. In order to do that, the first place to start is an inventory of methane emitting equipment.

Here are Process Ecology’s recommendations for general categories of inventory.

  1. Pneumatic Controllers at each facility (that run on fuel gas):
  2. Pneumatic Pumps
  3. Compressors
  4. Dehydrators
  5. Flares on site
  6. Boilers and Heaters
  7. Venting logs – if they exist – for the past year.
  8. Tanks
  9. Surface Casing Vents
  10. Fugitives

Please contact us for a more detailed breakdown of what data you should capture for each category in your inventory.

We also offer the online system: Methane Emissions Advisor, which you can use to help with this inventory and methane/GHG emission inventory task, as well as identifying targets for reduction.

By Laura Chutny, M Eng., P.Eng.

Laura brings more than 27 years of experience in process engineering and chemical engineering research. Her key strengths are in process modeling and dynamic simulation, conceptual design, air emissions estimation and emissions reduction. Laura has a diverse experience in upstream and downstream oil & gas, chemical and polymer industries. Laura began her career with Shell Canada providing engineering support at Scotford Refinery. She then spent five years in engineering companies SNC Lavalin and then Fluor Daniel Canada. Between 2000 and 2006 Laura acted as Senior Support Staff for Hyprotech/Aspentech supporting a number of software products for process modeling, optimization and estimation. She joined Process Ecology in 2008 after working as a Research Scientist with Nova Chemicals. At Process Ecology she specializes in Air Emissions Estimation, reporting and reductions as well as safety in Process Design. Laura is a Chemical Engineer from the University of Alberta and holds an M.Eng. degree from the University of Delaware. She is also a member of APEGA, APEGBC and the AIChE. When she’s not Engineering, she can be found riding her bike, knitting and never far from a good cup of coffee or a well aged single malt.



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